Custom Exchange

E2xgrader comes with a custom exchange that has the following features:

Personalized Inbound

If activated, the custom exchange uses a personalized inbound directory for each student.

Assume you have the course MyCourse and the assignment MyAssignment. In the original nbgrader exchange the student will submit to <exchange_directory>/MyCourse/inbound/. This will be the same for each student and causes a potential security issue. If a student knows the name of the submission of another student, they can read their submission.

If the personalized inbound is used, the student will submit to <exchange_directory>/MyCourse/personalized-inbound/<student_id>/. This directory is only readable by the student.

Personalized Outbound

If activated, the custom exchange uses a personalized outbound directory for each student.

This allows for creating custom versions of an assignment per student. Students will fetch from <exchange_directory>/MyCourse/outbound/MyAssignment/<student_id>/.

For this to work you will need a release version for each student. In your formgrader you will need to create a folder for each student under the release version of an assignment.

Instead of having your notebooks under release/MyAssignment/MyNotebook.ipynb you will need to create a directory for each student as release/MyAssignment/<student_id>/MyNotebook.ipynb. These notebooks can then be personalized.

Configuring the Exchange

To activate the custom exchange you need to edit to your

Activating the Exchange

from e2xgrader.config import configure_exchange

c = get_config()

# Register the custom exchange

Activating the Personalized Inbound

By default the personalized inbound is deactivated. To activate it, add the option c.Exchange.personalized_inbound = True to your

from e2xgrader.config import configure_exchange

c = get_config()

# Register the custom exchange

# Activate the personalized inbound directory
c.Exchange.personalized_inbound = True

Activating the Personalized Outbound

By default the personalized outbound is deactivated. To activate it, add the option c.Exchange.personalized_outbound = True to your

from e2xgrader.config import configure_exchange

c = get_config()

# Register the custom exchange

# Activate the personalized outbound directory
c.Exchange.personalized_outbound = True