Dynamic Configuration

Zero-to-JupyterHub allows extra JupyterHub config to be added to the default config. We can change or override the default config through the extra configuration.

We use this to override some single user configuration. In the helm config, we add the following extra config under hub:

      00-0-override-singleuser-config.py: |
        # This config will take effects once the hub is shutdown/restart through admin panel
        # change this to /srv/jupyterhub/
        import pandas as pd
        import yaml
        config_mount = '/srv/jupyterhub/config'
        config_file = os.path.join(config_mount, 'config.yaml')
        if os.path.isfile(config_file):
            configs = {}
            with open(config_file, 'r') as infile:
                configs = yaml.safe_load(infile)

            hub_config = configs['server']['e2x_hub_exam_staging_01']
            c.KubeSpawner.image = "{}:{}".format(hub_config['image']['name'],hub_config['image']['tag'])
            c.KubeSpawner.image_pull_policy = hub_config['image']['pullPolicy']

            if hub_config['resources']['cpu_guarantee']:
                c.KubeSpawner.cpu_guarantee = hub_config['resources']['cpu_guarantee']
            if hub_config['resources']['cpu_limit']:
                c.KubeSpawner.cpu_limit = hub_config['resources']['cpu_limit']
            if hub_config['resources']['mem_guarantee']:
                c.KubeSpawner.mem_guarantee = hub_config['resources']['mem_guarantee']
            if hub_config['resources']['mem_limit']:
                c.KubeSpawner.mem_limit = hub_config['resources']['mem_limit']

      00-1-prespawn-hook.py: |
        # Find in the database how many courses this user is registered to
        # Prespawn hook and mount his/her course volumes.
        import pandas as pd
        import yaml
        #list of command to execute during spawning
        cmds = []
        async def pre_spawn_hook(spawner):
            await spawner.load_user_options()
            username = spawner.user.name

            #reset commands
            cmds = []
            # clear spawner attributes as Python spawner objects are peristent
            # if you dont clear them, they will be persistent across restarts
            # there may be duplicate mounts
            spawner.volume_mounts = []

            # db directory in the container
            config_root = '/srv/jupyterhub/config'

            # mount user home directory
            config_file = os.path.join(config_root, 'config.yaml')

            #list of command to be appended to file, e.g. nbgrader_config.py
            cmds.append(r"echo 'c = get_config()'  >> /etc/jupyter/nbgrader_config.py")
            #cmds.append(r"echo 'c.Exchange.timezone = '"Europe/Berlin"'' >> /etc/jupyter/nbgrader_config.py")
            #cmds.append(r"echo 'c.NbGraderAPI.timezone = '"Europe/Berlin"'' >> /etc/jupyter/nbgrader_config.py")
            if os.path.isfile(config_file):
                configs = {}
                with open(config_file, 'r') as infile:
                    configs = yaml.safe_load(infile)

                hub_config = configs['server']['e2x_hub_exam_staging_01']
                hub_mode = hub_config['mode'].lower()
                semester_id = hub_config['semester_id'].lower()

        c.KubeSpawner.pre_spawn_hook = pre_spawn_hook
      00-3-other-config.py: |
        c.KubeSpawner.disable_user_config = True

A complete version of this extra config can be found on our github

The config.yaml which is loaded in this extra config is yaml file which is shared by the NFS server, and mounted to the hub container under /srv/jupyterhub/config.

    mode: exam
    semester_id: ss20
      - MRC-Exam
      name: digiklausur/restricted-notebook
      tag: latest
      pullPolicy: Always
      cpu_guarantee: 0.01
      cpu_limit: 2.0
      mem_guarantee: 0.15G
      mem_limit: 0.75G
      personalized_inbound: True
      personalized_outbound: False
      assignment_id: Klausur
      enabled: True
          name: nfs-disk2-volume
          mountPath: /srv/shared_files/e2x_instruction
          subPath: 'shared_files/e2x_instruction'
    #Commands to be executed after spawning
      - rm -rf $HOME/.jupyter/nbconfig*
      - FORCE_COPY=false
      - INSTRUCTION_EN=/srv/shared_files/e2x_instruction/e2x_instruction_en
      - if [ -d $INSTRUCTION_EN ] && $FORCE_COPY;then cp -r $INSTRUCTION_EN $HOME;else if [ -d $INSTRUCTION_EN ] && [ ! -d $HOME/e2x_instruction_en ];then cp -r $INSTRUCTION_EN $HOME;fi;fi

The above config is used by e2x_hub_exam_staging_01 hub which is deployed on Kubernetes for examination. The complete configurations of both exam and teaching can be found on our github repository.

Currently, the changes on the single user resources (CPU and RAM) require restart on the hub in order to apply them. The other configuration however will reflect the single user image directly when they log in. The running single user requires restart on their server in order to have the new config.

Extra mounts can be added too via extra_mount by specifying the name of the nfs volume, the mount path and the sub path in the nfs shared directory. Furthermore, commands after the user spawn can be added. This extra command is useful when you want the server to remove or add files to the user container.

This config is very much integrated to our system, so if you want to use it on your system, you should probably make some changes.